Client Specialties

Family Medicine / Internal Medicine / Pediatric Medicine

Neonatal Center / Gynecology / Endocrinology / Foot and Ankle

Audiology / Mental Health / Anesthesia


High Tech Images, inc. (HTI) is a full service revenue management company that has been advising health care providers on receivables and denial management since 1995.

A Letter from Our President

Dear friend,

What We Do...

We believe in what we do. We have been in the business since 1995. The reason why we are so good at what we do is because of our employees. We are proud to say that most of our employees have been with us from the beginning and we average a whopping 16,000 hours of HTI experience per employee. Compare that with any other company and I’m sure there is no comparison.

Contact Us

"Simply the best medical billing"

Our Services

What we do is receivables management. Others may dabble in staffing, debt collection, HR management and even answering service. Our focus and mission is to provide quality billing and collection for sole providers and small groups so that health care providers can concentrate on providing patient care and not worry about billing. This combination of excellence is a key to a successful practice.


Daily billing ( Electronic and HCFA) for primary and secondary insurance and patient


Patient statements including postage and self addressed envelope


EOB (explanation of benefits) analysis


800 telephone lines for Customer Service (English, Spanish, Korean)



Patient statements including postage and self addressed envelope


Reporting and reconciliation (Insurance Aging, Patient Aging, Payment Log, Deposit Reconciliation, Special Reports, etc.)


Banking of payments received in HTI office


Contact Us

For more information or any question, please send us your request by email or using the form below:


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HTI Medical Billing

Contact Info


63 E Main Street, Suite 205

Westminster, MD 21157-5036

410-848-8202 (o)

571-616-0202 (f)


14631 Lee Hwy, Suite 110

Centreville, VA 20121

571-655-2267 (o)

571-616-0202 (f)


 CONTACT : 800-352-8203

© Copyright HTI Medical Billing     2021. All Rights Reserved.



HTI Medical Billing

HTI Medical Billing

Patient Payment

Eric Choe MD

Patient Payment

 Corridor Anesthesia LLC

Patient Payment